
Monday, December 9, 2013

Why I decided to stop feeling like a failure

As I approached the age of 16, I was one of those rarities who was not looking forward to driving. I wasn’t scared. I just didn’t want to drive. I was convinced that I would never need a license because I was going to live the metropolitan dream: riding buses, walking to the grocery store, taking the metro, and getting a cab when I really needed to get somewhere. As a result, I didn’t agree to pursue my license until my senior year of high school and my 18th year on the planet.

Having waited so long to get my license, I never really found myself in a position to buy a car. We moved after I graduate. I was always trying to go overseas, and my on campus job barely supported on campus costs. I worked in upstate New York every summer. Timing was never right, so now I find myself at age 22 without a car.

This might not seem like a big deal, but some days it really feels like it is. When I want to go somewhere, I have to ask my parents for the keys, which they graciously give me every time. If I ever go in for an interview, I’m always afraid they’ll ask about reliable transportation and I’ll have to admit I usually drive a gold minivan. It just doesn’t feel “grown up.” Who wants to hire a dependent?

It would be easy for me to feel like a failure at this point in my life. I am 22 years old with no steady job or college degree. Having lived in my current community only two months, I still live anonymously. I recently left a job out West to live with my parents back East. And let’s top it off with: I have never had a serious relationship. Feel free to agree with me when I say, things look a bit bleak.

Counter to popular belief, failure is most often defined by circumstance instead of a single action.  People might fail a test, but if you’re twenty something and living in your parents basement playing video games all day, most social circles would label you a failure. I used to feel like that was my path and that I might as well run out onto the beach on a stormy night and yell up into the sky, “I’ve failed! I’ve failed! I’ve failed!” A bit melodramatic perhaps, but that’s what packing up a life every three months does to a person.

Now let me assure you that I have no intention of living out a death wish to be struck by lightning. Instead of gloomily staring at myself in the mirror for hours wondering why I haven’t risen to some sort of greatness, I intend to be patient.  Well, how does that make sense?

I’ve come to realize that in the bigger scheme of things I can look back at my life and realize that I have no regrets. All of the decisions I have made to this point have been purposeful, prayerful, deliberative, and intentional. I have not failed. I have learned.

I don’t have a job, but I wouldn’t give up my time of soul searching for anything. While I pined for the city, I fell in love with a small town. While I lived in the mountains, I learned to stand up for myself and make hard decisions. I don’t have a car, but that hasn’t stopped me from making connections in almost every part of this country. The friends I have all over the country tie my life together, and my community is bigger than a single zip code. And as far as relationships, the time I’ve had to grow has built me into a stronger woman that won’t settle for just anybody, if I even need to settle.

Instead of seeing the perceived failures in my life, I can see the foundation that has been built under me and the construction following me as I go. It’s a process to become something. Though it often hurts, pain should never stop perseverance.

So while I patiently and proactively live out the coming months, I will continue to hear a stoic chant in the background: “Something is coming. “


  1. I giggled a little because I too have no car ;). I would say that your life, which some might say "failure",(and they would be wrong), is more fulfilling than most peoples' lives these days. In the last year and a half that I have known you you've grown so much. I'm excited to see where all this will take you in the end! It's that Ecclesiastes thing. "Vanity of vanities all if vanity." Success in life is so much more than what people nowadays think. And like you said because you thoughfully and prayerfully did exactly what God wanted you to, you have been the real kind of SUCCESSFUL. I love you! -Larissa

  2. It's funny that you should be feeling EXACTLY the same way I've been feeling lately. It's so easy to be afraid of not looking like the rest of society. But then I think...most of the people God used didn't look anything like society thought they should in the Bible, either. I mean, an unmarried teenager conceiving the Messiah? A king who died instead of taking over the kingdom? A lot of the time obedience doesn't look like everyone else's view of "right," but that's when I find assurance that I must be doing something good. :)
    Love you Morgan!
