This next year will take me across the country once again but this time to Colorado. I will be interning at Axis until next May, traveling and presenting a worldview curriculum that will hopefully get audiences thinking about how they see the world. But let me catch you up to speed.
Last year, I lived and studied in Sebring, Florida at Great Commission Bible Institute (GCBI). My life was changed by the saturation in the Word of God, through the teaching of Randy Smith, and the adoption into an incredible community of believers. There are no words to describe this past year, but maybe when nostalgia overcomes me I shall try. It is very hard to think that it's over, but I am confident in the Lord's plan for this next season.
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Photo by Hallie Barta |
After graduating from GCBI in May, some fellow students and I traveled to Israel for a couple weeks to walk where Jesus walked. The experience was significantly impacting, especially the church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, Jericho, and Yad Vashem. Long days of scholastic sightseeing, bus rides, and endless bottles of water created memories and spiritual connections that will last a lifetime.
May was a long month, involving both graduation and a trip overseas, but in the midst of that, I was accepted to intern at Axis for a year. After submitting the application document and videos, I was waiting to hear as my trip to Israel loomed closer. Two days before leaving, I received the email I'd been hoping for. In the midst of figuring out what I would be doing after GCBI, several options had appeared, and the decision process was tough. In the end, the decision was made.
So, I bought a ticket to fly out to Colorado.
After arriving at the airport two hours before my flight, I checked my bags and flew through security. Arriving at my gate, I found a place to sit and wait. Shortly thereafter, we were informed of a gate change and several delays due to weather, resulting in boarding the flight 3 hours late with a disgruntled cast of passengers.
The Lord always knows who sits next to me on the airplane. Before boarding, I had looked around trying to guess who it might be this time. As usual, I had not seen my seatmate before finding my seat. He graciously lifted my densely packed carry-on into the overhead compartment, and we settled into our seats. We exchanged reasons for the flight and then moved on to deeper issues of theology. Conversation easily flowed for the next three hours as we waited to (hopefully) takeoff. He was a professor at a seminary in Charlotte and incredibly knowledgeable on issues of the heart. We became friends.
Once on the plane, we eventually taxied out to the runway only to return to the gate two hours later because of weather and low fuel. (Personally, I'm glad we didn't try to fly on fumes. Just me.) Back in the terminal, we waited for information before hearing that we would de-board, wait for another crew and then another steward staff, and finally that the flight was cancelled. Around 8 PM, all passengers from the flight ventured off toward the re-booking center. Irate passengers stormed the Delta representatives demanding refunds and all sorts of extravagant compensations, when the only fault lie in the weather.
After getting my flight schedule for the next day, my incredible parents drove to the airport to pick me up and invited my new friend to stay the night. What a treat! He and my father have loads in common, and the two professors shared stories into the wee hours. I repacked my bags and caught some Zs. The next day, we made it to Denver after a delay and another flight change. Praise the Lord I've seen the Rockies!
Upon arrival, I shuttled over to Colorado Springs, and here I am, one night of sleep under my belt. I've unpacked, met some people, and purchased the beginnings of my summer food stash. The lady interns are staying in a lovely accommodation not too far from our office, and we'll soon all be together. We hail from all parts of the US, but there is a reason we are all being brought together for this season. Tomorrow training begins, and our first appointments will be in mid-August.
Through this past couple days, I have learned that the Lord has bigger plans than I can imagine. The smallest acts of obedience can impact others in huge ways, so I better be obedient! This next year's journey begins on a load of lessons, and I'm sure there are more to come.
I would appreciate any and all prayers as the Lord molds me over this next year and the rest of my life. Let me know if you have any questions or prayer requests, and we'll get through it all together.